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Ensuring Ergonomic Furniture Setup in the Workplace

This guide focuses on the critical role of furniture in establishing a proper display screen equipment (DSE) setup, as outlined in Section 5 of the Health and Safety Executive DSE checklist.

Chair and Desk Setup

Your chair and desk are central to your workstation:

  • The chair should support the lower back and align your eyes with the monitor's top.
  • Feet should rest flat on the floor, or use a footrest if necessary.
  • Avoid pressure on the backs of legs and knees.

Workspace Organisation

Organise your desk efficiently:

  • Ensure ample room for all equipment and papers.
  • De-clutter your desk to create more space.
  • Consider adding more power and telecom sockets for equipment placement.

Chair Adjustments and Suitability

Choosing and adjusting your chair:

  • Ensure the chair is sturdy and fit for purpose.
  • Adjust the chair for correct sitting posture and comfort.
  • Chair arms should not prevent you from getting close to the desk.
  • The backrest should support the small of your back.

Correct Posture and Eye Alignment

Align your posture and vision with your workstation:

  • Forearms should be horizontal with arms resting on the desk.
  • Eyes should be at the same height as the top of your screen.
  • Adjust chair height, desk, or monitors to achieve this alignment.
  • Ensure feet are flat on the floor, without pressure on legs.

Footrest Usage

If feet do not rest flat on the floor:

  • Consider using a footrest to maintain correct leg and back alignment.
Learning Outcomes:
  • Remote Working LO 1.2.1