Upper and Lower Limb Disorders

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Preventive Strategies for Upper and Lower Limb Disorders at Work

Understanding and addressing upper limb disorders (ULDs) and lower limb disorders (LLDs) in the workplace is crucial for employee well-being. This guide highlights their symptoms, causes, and preventive measures.

Upper Limb Disorders (ULDs)

ULDs affect the arms, from shoulders to fingers, and the neck:

  • Involve soft tissues, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerve supply.
  • Mostly caused by improper posture, awkward working positions, or heavy lifting.

Reduction Methods for ULDs

To reduce ULD risks, consider:

  • Using mechanical aids.
  • Rotating duties to reduce time spent on risky tasks.
  • Allowing recovery periods with regular breaks.
  • Conducting workstation risk assessments.

ULD Symptoms

Common symptoms include joint stiffness, pain, difficulty in moving joints, and muscle discomfort in arms and neck. Medical consultation is advisable for concerns.

Lower Limb Disorders (LLDs)

LLDs affect the legs and feet, from hips to toes:

  • Approximately 80% of related damage is due to overuse.

Preventing LLDs

Preventive measures for LLDs include:

  • Avoiding overuse with mechanical aids and rotating duties.
  • Providing seating to prevent squatting or kneeling.
  • Ensuring regular breaks.
  • Using personal protective equipment like knee pads.

LLD Symptoms

Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, tenderness, and muscle discomfort in the lower limbs. Seeking medical advice for concerns is important.